I love dogs. I love my dog. She’s kin (we have no kids). With the exception of the discarded chicken wing she manages to snatch off the street before I can stop her, my dog does not eat animal products. From both an animal rights and environmentalist perspective - closely connected for me- I would find it unconscionable to feed my dog food made from industrially farmed animals - as I find it unethical to eat those products myself. My dog is a rescue. When all breeding of animals ends I’ll learn to live without a companion animal - or rather I’ll learn to form new relations with free animals, including humans. Until then I’ll do the best I can. Campaigning for an end to industrial animal agriculture is a good place to start 🐶

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i think this sort of conversation is really important to have because i think there’s so much to consider that we just believe is normal. my partner and i LOOOOOOVE cats, but they’re a big issue in england RN but they eat so many birds and wild animals and there’s a simply too many of em. We are definitely too much in the mindset of WELL I WANT ONE so all these bad things don’t matter. Will i get a cat at some point? Probably. Will i reconsider how i feed it, where i let it go, how i let it interact with the world because of this info like this? yes!

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Not at all! There are lots of problems with mainstream pet ownership, and important to acknowledge and avoid these.

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